My First Day in the Bush–A Dream Come True

My First Day in the Bush–A Dream Come True Today I entered the Bush for my very first time in what I know will be the first of many over the course of my life. I am lucky enough to be a part of a beautiful group, Youth 4 African Wildlife, that is spending 6Continue reading “My First Day in the Bush–A Dream Come True”

The not so obvious effects of rhino poaching.

The not so obvious effects of rhino poaching. A day with orphaned rhino calves tends to get one thinking about how this scourge of poaching will affect the new generation of rhinos, those future adults who if the status quo does not change will be senselessly hacked to death for their horns. Perhaps rhinos willContinue reading “The not so obvious effects of rhino poaching.”

A Digital Conservation Movement : The Holy Grail for wildlife?

A Digital Conservation Movement : The Holy Grail for wildlife? parallax WcMgcq The African continent is recognised by the world for its wildlife habitat. A much faster pace of industrialisation and earlier population explosions on other continents over the last few hundred years have resulted in extreme eradication of wildlife in Europe, Asia and theContinue reading “A Digital Conservation Movement : The Holy Grail for wildlife?”

Rhinos: Why did South Africa skip a vital conference on illegal wildlife trade?

Rhinos: Why did South Africa skip a vital conference on illegal wildlife trade? In London last week international media scrambled to cover the high-level and much anticipated international conference on illegal wildlife trade. However, there was one notable absentee. South Africa’s absence at the conference and non-participation in the signing of the London Declaration areContinue reading “Rhinos: Why did South Africa skip a vital conference on illegal wildlife trade?”

The “Inconvenient” luxury of endangered wildlife in Asia

The “Inconvenient” luxury of endangered wildlife in Asia parallax WcMgcq Lobbyists advocating to legitimise rhino horn trade generally do not examine the use of rhino horn in Asia in terms of it being a luxury goods product. With a record 1004 rhinos killed in South Africa in 2013, rhino horn sells for as much asContinue reading “The “Inconvenient” luxury of endangered wildlife in Asia”