50 Days to Save the African Rhino Rhino poaching is not a local problem anymore; it is a global issue. Five young people from around the world came to South Africa to work together and make a difference. They had 50 days to raise global awareness and funds to help save the African rhino fromContinue reading “50 Days to Save the African Rhino”
Tag Archives: illegal wildlife trading
The only way to remove the rhino poaching weed is by uprooting it.
The only way to remove the rhino poaching weed is by uprooting it. Growing up in the rural parts of South Africa and helping out in my grandmother’s garden I learned at an early age that the best way to get rid of weeds was to pull them out by the roots. My grandmother beingContinue reading “The only way to remove the rhino poaching weed is by uprooting it.”
Rhino and moon are leaving us
Rhino and moon are leaving us Having rhinos and the moon in the same sentence sounds like some far-fetched fairy tale that Disney dreamt up. Truth is though; there is a similarity between the two as they are both leaving us albeit due to different reasons. As things currently stand this is a fairy taleContinue reading “Rhino and moon are leaving us”
A Digital Conservation Movement : The Holy Grail for wildlife?
A Digital Conservation Movement : The Holy Grail for wildlife? parallax WcMgcq The African continent is recognised by the world for its wildlife habitat. A much faster pace of industrialisation and earlier population explosions on other continents over the last few hundred years have resulted in extreme eradication of wildlife in Europe, Asia and theContinue reading “A Digital Conservation Movement : The Holy Grail for wildlife?”
Rhinos: Why did South Africa skip a vital conference on illegal wildlife trade?
Rhinos: Why did South Africa skip a vital conference on illegal wildlife trade? In London last week international media scrambled to cover the high-level and much anticipated international conference on illegal wildlife trade. However, there was one notable absentee. South Africa’s absence at the conference and non-participation in the signing of the London Declaration areContinue reading “Rhinos: Why did South Africa skip a vital conference on illegal wildlife trade?”