Banned Canned Hunting of Lions parallax WcMgcq Y4AW ambassador Kate Ochsman delves into the world of canned lion hunting and uses her interview with lion whisperer, Kevin Richardson, to highlight the various issues surrounding Canned Hunting such as the difference between canned hunting and ethical hunting, and the manipulation of volunteers. This film also featuresContinue reading “Banned Canned Hunting of Lions”
Tag Archives: animals
Connectivity— My Religion
Connectivity— My Religion “I heard you talking earlier about religion. And I was just wondering what you believe in? Are you religious?” – JP (head ranger & my friend) For a few extended seconds, I stared at JP. It was the first time in a good long while that I’ve been asked to play theContinue reading “Connectivity— My Religion”
Natural Philosophy
Natural Philosophy I’d like to take a moment to get real about myself, and my time here in South Africa. I’m 25 years old, which is special in no way, except for the fact that at this young age I have already lived and travelled in 25 countries. To be more specific, I have beenContinue reading “Natural Philosophy”