– Taz Watson
Retrospect is a lovely thing. I am now sitting at my desk, back in city civilization and reflecting on the past 2 months that we – a group of 5 young interns – spent in the bush doing rhino conservation. What a journey it has been.
I feel deeply blessed to have had the opportunity to spend this time learning about the rhino plight and contributing positively to the cause. We had the privilege of meeting, interviewing, working with, and learning from some remarkable people who inspired an intense commitment in all of us to wildlife conservation – not only for the rhinos, but on a much larger scale.
‘We need to remain positive and
remember that every iota of energy that
is put into this battle is helping’
The internship taught me that fighting a cause like this is damn hard. If we aren’t going to do it, however, who is? There is so much greed, corruption and destruction in the human race and it is an extremely challenging war to fight because of the complexity of the criminal networks involved. There are moments when saving the rhinos seems completely hopeless, but we need to remain positive and remember that every iota of energy that is put into this battle is helping. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that, but during our time in the bush we met so many people that are fighting this war on the frontline and are exposed to things daily that most of us would only experience in our worst nightmares. They are still fighting. And if they are, then we must too. The importance of positivity, perseverance and dedication is definitely something this internship taught me, and taught me well. I feel touched and inspired by the people who thanklessly protect our rhinos and I feel even more dedicated to this cause now because of that than I did going into the internship.
‘If you are reading this now, then you
have the power to make a difference’
I feel that many of us want to help in some way, but are unsure how to do so. Not all of us can be out in the field working in an anti-poaching unit. Not all of us have funds to donate. Some of us may not feel we have the time to dedicate to yet another cause. But, if you are reading this now, then it means that you have the internet, which also means that you have immense power to share news and inform/educate people. Sometimes making a difference is as easy as hitting the ‘share’ button on your browser or liking a post so that it reaches more people. Every time you are on facebook, twitter, pinterest, or any other social media platform, remember that making a difference is literally at your fingertips. Sometimes we can only help in small ways, but if a lot of us make small contributions, the results can be far-reaching and substantial. Personally, I will continue to be an ambassador for StopRhinoPaching.com and I will use my connections (both locally and internationally) as well as my skills (both old and new) to increase global awareness, raise funds and educate individuals worldwide about the importance of wildlife conservation. These are things that any of us can do. So let’s do them!
‘It was an experience that I would
repeat in a heartbeat’
On the whole the internship was an invaluable experience and one that I will cherish forever. I genuinely feel that I grew as a person, learned more than I could have possibly anticipated, met extraordinary people, developed sound business skills and, of course, deepened my love and respect for rhinos as a species. Despite the many emotional and physical challenges, it was an experience that I would repeat in a heartbeat. I feel lucky every day that I got to be a part of such an important and significant experience. I feel inspired to make a difference and bring some light back into a sometimes dark world. I hope all of you reading this can be that light too. Be the difference with us.
How to Donate
Like our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/StopRhinoPoaching1
Follow us on Twitter: @RhinoYPOInterns