Assessing the Risks of Rhino Horn Trade
Between 1979 and 1989 Africa lost 600 000 elephants, killed by criminals when a relentless demand for ivory from Asia had the numbers of elephants plummet across central Africa. Today less than 400 000 elephants are left in Africa. The continent is losing 4 elephants every hour. There are less than 20 000 lions left in Africa, of which only approximately half live in the wild, whilst breeding of captive lions make up the rest and are used for the canned lion hunting industry. Pangolins are endangered species that face extinction due to demand from China and Vietnam. There are roughly 25 000 rhinos left in Africa and South Africa is the largest range state, with numbers already below 20 000. We are losing 3 rhinos per day due to the criminal activities of unscrupulous men causing havoc in especially Kruger National Park.
For a full report please download the report on Assessing the Risks of Rhino Horn Trade: