Fancy yourself an environmental writer? Well, you’re in luck. We are looking for guest bloggers. Guidelines are available below.
Who are you looking for? We are looking for aspiring writers, journalists, or bloggers who focus on environmental, conservation or tourism matters.
What are you looking for? Any environmental, conservation or tourism related blog articles will do.
What language should I use? We only accept contributions written in English. Either UK or US English is acceptable as long as you consistently use one version of the language.
Should I also send photographs with my contributions? If possible, yes you can also send us photographs to go with your blog. Please send photographs that you own, if the photographs belong to someone else please provide their names so we can acknowledge them.
What if I don’t have any photographs to go with my blog? It’s not a problem, we can use photographs from our library.
Style guide? Sentences should be concise. Paragraph length should be consistent. Blog articles have to be a minimum of 500 words in length. Also include a list of any references used in your article. These references will not be published with the article but will be filed and used for fact-checking should there be a need to do so.
What’s in it for me? Unfortunately, we cannot offer any money for your contribution. In exchange for your effort we will profile you and your work across our social media platforms.
What if I have additional questions or I want to submit my guest blog? You can send your questions or contributions to