What Happens After a Poaching Event? – The Rhino Response Strategy – Vanina Harel When a rhino is poached, it is not only the targeted individual that is affected. The calves that might have witnessed the poaching of their mother are found deeply stressed. In addition, rangers and reserve managers who have to deal withContinue reading “What Happens After a Poaching Event? – The Rhino Response Strategy”
Category Archives: Rhino
Why the Demand for Rhino Horn?
Why the Demand for Rhino Horn? – Taz Watson One of the biggest challenges with rhino horn is that there are multiple end-users. We are up against a complex and extremely difficult market because it is expansive and constantly changing. Each poaching crisis has had different end-users, a different market and different uses. It changesContinue reading “Why the Demand for Rhino Horn?”
The Economics of Rhino Horn Trade
The Economics of Rhino Horn Trade – Steven Kiley Rhino poaching has become a sophisticated, underground market from poachers on the ground to middlemen transporting the horns out of the country, all the way up to the top lord distributing the product to an end user. I have to continuously remind myself that this isContinue reading “The Economics of Rhino Horn Trade”
2004: “Is rhino poaching under control in Africa?”
2004: “Is rhino poaching under control in Africa?” – Taz Watson Whilst flipping through an old African Geographic from 2004, I noticed an article written entitled “Is rhino poaching under control in Africa?” Of course I was going to read it. I found this fascinating – an article written almost a decade ago about theContinue reading “2004: “Is rhino poaching under control in Africa?””
As Long As They Fight, We Will Fight.
As Long As They Fight, We Will Fight. – Vanina Harel
The Essential Protectors of Our Rhinos
The Essential Protectors of Our Rhinos – Y4AWL Intern We made it to Botswana! We’re in Limpopo Lipadi Game and Wilderness Reserve, just over South Africa’s border.
Rhino Horns
Rhino Horns – Amanda Levine Rhinos have evolved to have horns for a purpose. They were not created for humans to manipulate, they were intended for a purpose that is necessary to the living standard and survival of the creature. This is an overview of how rhinos use their horns, and the methods that conservationists use toContinue reading “Rhino Horns”
Thorn Amongst Roses.
Thorn Amongst Roses. – Steven Kiley As I am approaching one month since I’ve left the United States, many great opportunities and adventures have come and gone. From anti-poaching watches in bitter cold overnight conditions to blistering hot rhino tracking, our group has experienced some of the greatest scenarios when it comes to helping protectContinue reading “Thorn Amongst Roses.”
A Scary Reality
A Scary Reality – Vanina Harel We are now well into this war against rhino poaching, and it is a tough challenge to tackle. The poachers we are up against are professionals. They are highly organized criminal syndicates recently proven to be linked to terrorist groups. They are so ahead of us due to theirContinue reading “A Scary Reality”
Why do I care about the rhinos?
Why do I care about the rhinos? – Morty Ortega. Associate Professor, Wildlife Ecologist, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Connecticut.